PARENT RESOURCES » School Cafeteria

School Cafeteria

School Cafeteria


What is Breakfast in the Classroom?

• Breakfast in the Classroom (BIC) provides breakfast at no charge to students in class, after the first bell or on their way to class.
• The Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD), in partnership with the Los Angeles Fund for Public Education, California Food Policy Advocates, LA County Department of Public Health's Choose LA Initiative, and community partners, are embarking a new initiative to serve breakfast to our students through the Breakfast in the Classroom (BIC) project. This is a new program LAUSD is implementing to help provide more breakfast meals to our students.

Why Breakfast in the Classroom?

• In LAUSD, over 553,000 of our students qualify for a free/reduced price breakfast but only 29% of our total school population participates. This means that over 400,000 students may start their school days without breakfast, deprived of an important nutritious meal needed to succeed in class.
• Superintendent Deasy and the Board of Education are committed to providing students and schools with resources that will help achieve academic success. LAUSD’s leadership wants to ensure every student in Los Angeles starts the day ready to learn.
• When more students eat breakfast at school, more federal and state monies flow to LAUSD, improving the District’s fiscal status.
• In Los Angeles County, 1.7 million people live in poverty and in food insecure households – households where families face a constant struggle against hunger.

Benefits of Breakfast in the Classroom

• Great benefits for our students. Recent studies have shown that when schools provide an in-classroom breakfast or a grab ‘n go type of meal, their students will:

  1. Increase their academic performance
  2. Decrease absenteeism and tardiness
  3. Increase their attention span and focus 
  4. Reduce their visits to the nurse because of hunger

• When breakfast is served in the classroom, all students have the opportunity to eat together in a family-like setting, promoting social skills, increasing responsibility, and developing other important life skills.
• BIC’s additional revenue will help save hundreds of jobs for school employees.
• A percentage of the BIC additional revenue will be allocated to schools.
• All menus and foods served meet USDA standards.